Laissez-vous inspirer par nos articles hebdomadaires sur le design. Nous partageons des lectures intéressantes sur l'actualité et les tendances liées au design et partageons des trucs et astuces pour le bricoleur créatif.

How to Choose the Best KDP Book Size for Hardcovers, Paperbacks and Ebooks

How to Choose the Best KDP Book Size for Hardcovers, Paperbacks and Ebooks

When self-publishing on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), it's essential to choose the correct trim size for your book, as this affects both the aesthetic appeal and the production costs. KDP...
How to Embed Videos and Animations in Adobe InDesign PDFs

How to Embed Videos and Animations in Adobe InDesign PDFs

Discover how to embed videos and animations in Adobe InDesign PDFs to create engaging, multimedia-rich documents. This guide covers the benefits, step-by-step instructions, best practices, and troubleshooting tips. Enhance your presentations and captivate your audience with interactive PDFs.
8 Tips to Create an Outstanding Graphic Design Portfolio

8 conseils pour créer un portfolio de conception graphique exceptionnel

Que vous soyez un professionnel chevronné ou que vous commenciez tout juste votre parcours de conception, il est crucial de créer un portfolio qui captive votre public. Dans ce guide, nous vous dévoilerons huit conseils essentiels pour vous aider à créer un portfolio de conception graphique qui non seulement brille, mais qui se démarque également de la concurrence.
Prepare InDesign Templates for Commercial Printing

Préparer des modèles InDesign pour l’impression commerciale

Prepare your InDesign documents for commercial printing with our concise guide! Learn essential steps like conducting preflight checks, understanding CMYK, ensuring proper resolution, addressing font and image issues, and creating bleeds. Follow our easy instructions to achieve professional, print-ready designs in Adobe InDesign. Ideal for beginners and pros alike.
How to Use Adobe Photoshop Templates in Canva

Comment utiliser les modèles Photoshop dans Canva

Learn how to import Photoshop templates into Canva for enhanced design flexibility. This blog post guides you through the process, highlights potential issues, and offers solutions. Discover how Canva's new feature supports PSD and .ai files, making it easier to customize and elevate your social media presence.
The Referral Program is Now Live, Earn 50% on Each Sale

The Referral Program is Now Live, Earn 50% on Each Sale

Share your unique affiliate link or code with your network, introduce them to my products and earn half of the total sale every time they purchase through your link. Join the Referral Program to get your unique link and start earning today.
How to Export InDesign Files Perfectly for Print and Screen

How to Export InDesign Files Perfectly for Print and Screen

Master the art of exporting Adobe InDesign files with our comprehensive guide. Learn to optimize documents for both print and screen, ensuring high quality and functionality. Step-by-step instructions, tips, and FAQs help you prepare designs for any platform. Perfect for graphic designers looking to enhance their workflow.
Adobe InDesign vs. Canva: Choosing the Right Design Tool for Your Project

Adobe InDesign vs. Canva: Choosing the Right Design Tool for Your Project

Discover the best design tool for your project with our comprehensive guide comparing Adobe InDesign and Canva. Learn about their key features, print capabilities, pricing, and more to decide which software fits your needs. Ideal for both novice and professional designers. Read now to make an informed choice!
Learn the Key Differences Between Instagram Posts, Stories, Highlights and Reels

Découvrez les principales différences entre les publications, les histoires et les faits saillants d'Instagram

Instagram offre aux marques des moyens amusants et uniques d'atteindre leur marché cible. Dans ce blog, les différences entre une publication Instagram, une story Instagram et un highlight Instagram seront expliquées et, en outre, nous vous montrerons la meilleure façon de les utiliser et de les télécharger sur Instagram.
Customizing InDesign Templates for Brand-Specific Needs

Customizing InDesign Templates for Brand-Specific Needs

Learn to customize Adobe InDesign templates to fit your brand’s unique identity. Discover tips on selecting the right template, adjusting images, colors, and fonts, and avoiding common pitfalls. Enhance your designs with our step-by-step guide to professional and cohesive branding. Perfect for designers of all levels.
Choosing Between Squarespace and Shopify for Your Online Store

Choisir entre Squarespace et Shopify pour votre boutique en ligne

Comparez Squarespace et Shopify pour trouver la meilleure plateforme pour votre boutique en ligne. Découvrez les fonctionnalités clés, les tarifs, les options de personnalisation et les capacités de commerce électronique. Prenez une décision éclairée pour votre entreprise !
How to Export an Adobe InDesign Template as an eBook

Comment exporter un modèle Adobe InDesign sous forme de livre électronique

Learn how to convert your InDesign templates to eBooks with ease. This guide provides a step-by-step process on preparing, exporting, and optimizing your design for digital formats. Enhance readability and make your work accessible on various devices. Perfect for creatives looking to expand into digital publishing!