Get inspired by our weekly design-related articles. We share interesting reads about design-related news, trends and share tips and tricks for the creative do-it-yourselfer.

How Color Impacts Design: Understanding Color Psychology for Graphic Designers

How Color Impacts Design: Understanding Color Psychology for Graphic Designers

Colors are known to evoke emotions and convey messages, making them a powerful tool in the world of design. In this blog post, we will delve into the basics of color psychology and how it can be used to create effective designs.

How to Create a Strong Brand Identity: Tips for Graphic Designers

How to Create a Strong Brand Identity: Tips for Graphic Designers

A brand identity is the visual representation of a business and consists of several elements that come together to create a unique and recognizable image. In this post, we will discuss what a brand identity consists of and why it is so important for a business.

Master the Art of Font Pairing: Tips and Tricks for Graphic Designers

Master the Art of Font Pairing: Tips and Tricks for Graphic Designers

As a graphic designer, choosing the right font can make or break a design. Pairing fonts correctly is crucial in creating a cohesive and visually appealing design. In this blog post, we'll discuss tips and tricks for matching fonts like a pro.

5 Inspiring Online Sources for Designers to Boost Creativity

5 Inspiring Online Sources for Designers to Boost Creativity

Inspiration is the source of creativity but how and where do you find it? It goes without saying that each designer has his own means to get inspired: some by written words and stories, others by images. I would like to share the following five inspiring online sources which have proven to be very useful to me.
Freebie! The Importance of Structured Planning + a Free Planner

Freebie! The Importance of Structured Planning + a Free Planner

Intentionally, sometimes subconsciously, people set goals in life: a new car, getting fitter or cutting out all unhealthy food..... To achieve this a good planning is crucial. This blog explains why a structured planning is so important and gives tools for a do-it-yourself planning.

5 Essential Design Resources for Creative Professionals: Fonts, Icons, Photos, and More

5 Essential Design Resources for Creative Professionals: Fonts, Icons, Photos, and More

For a designer, nothing is more fun than to be free in his creativity. Useful sources allow you to completely focus on your designs and may save you a lot of time. To prevent you from buying useless fonts or spending hours on the internet searching for great pics, I selected 5 sources that I love.